PA Jeeps

The Garage => Technical Advice and Questions => Topic started by: locojipr on October 24, 2010, 10:31:19 am

Title: 2007 JK?
Post by: locojipr on October 24, 2010, 10:31:19 am
I'm putting a 4" lift and 35s on my Jeep.  Will my stock axles hold up?  Will I need to regear?  I have read some people say they have lost overdrive.  Some people have done exactly the same thing aim going to do and say it works perfect for them.  Anyone running a JK with 35s let me know.  I can only read so much I would like to talk to some one who actually knows.  I have 4.10 rears and a dana44
Title: Re: 2007 JK?
Post by: Rick_Bear on October 24, 2010, 11:25:24 am
I do see why 4:10 gears couldn't turn 35's. 4:56 would probably be the ideal situation but I would run it moderately and see how it does.
Title: Re: 2007 JK?
Post by: Colli on October 24, 2010, 02:29:29 pm
I beleive Charlie runs 35's on his TJ with 4.10s and Dana 44's without any issues so far.
Title: Re: 2007 JK?
Post by: canman35 on October 24, 2010, 07:00:52 pm
On my 08 I run 35" BFG AT,s for my road set up and 35" Super Swampers for off road on stock axles. I went with the 4:88 gears and Detroit LSD,s and am very happy with the set up ;D. You will have to buy a programmer like a Hypertech to set everything up so that your computer works properly with the changes. If ya have any ???? give me a shout.
Title: Re: 2007 JK?
Post by: locojipr on October 26, 2010, 08:33:20 pm
Do you think If I ran a 34x9.50  LTB Swampers I would need to regear or reprogram?  What I f I dont program?  Thanks Tim
Title: Re: 2007 JK?
Post by: canman35 on October 26, 2010, 09:05:57 pm
If you do not "reprogram "your jeep it WILL be slugish to say the least. The motor to begin with is lacking horsepower and the programmer will help this alot. You will also be off on the speedometer and odometer a bit,it will also correct this problem. Regearing is part of the complete "package to do the whole job correctly
Title: Re: 2007 JK?
Post by: locojipr on November 30, 2010, 08:49:06 am
My next question then is what programmer should I get?  The superchip is really expensive,  and I'm not really doing performance upgrades.  I just need to change speedo and odometer.  Also did you turn the ESP off with the programmer or just use the factory toggle?  I'm hoping to have all this lined up for a New Year install.  I appreciate your help and info on this because this is the newest Jeep I have owned, Before this was 81 CJ-8, 79 CJ-7, 78 CJ-7, 75 CJ-5 and a 68 CJ-5.