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Messages - pollux troy

Pages: [1]
Technical Advice and Questions / Re: Rear Pinon Seal..
« on: July 13, 2011, 09:36:22 am »
yeah i thought i did, but im getting another one just to make sure, my buddy said put it in the freezer for a day it shrinks a tiny bit so you dont have to force it in and then expands once it warms up....

Technical Advice and Questions / Rear Pinon Seal..
« on: July 12, 2011, 08:37:14 pm »
i just changed my rear pinon seal or gasket and it still drips fluid....whats the deal do i need a rear end and do i need to fix asap i keep checking fluid its not bad...please feedback could i make it to the all breeds jeep extravaganza. ???

Technical Advice and Questions / Re: Steering!
« on: May 18, 2008, 11:03:15 am »
 :)Well I took the Jeep to the Garage, They balanced the tires and put a new stabilizer on, and that fixed the problem, they said my tires were way out of balance!!!! ???So i told them they might as well put a new stabilizer on while they are at it ;)
Im glad that was the only problem ;D

Technical Advice and Questions / Re: Steering!
« on: May 14, 2008, 06:55:45 pm »
this happened when my tires were rotated,im going to get my tires balanced friday.

Technical Advice and Questions / Steering!
« on: April 12, 2008, 05:28:52 pm »
What is the problem, when im driving about 50mph my steering wheel shakes and it feels like i could lose control of my jeep. I have a 4" suspension lift,could my steering stabilizer be bad. HELP! ???

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