Author Topic: Vote Against S. 22 Omnibus Legislation!  (Read 8720 times)


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Vote Against S. 22 Omnibus Legislation!
« on: February 10, 2009, 12:49:54 am »
Urge Your Representative to Vote Against S. 22 Omnibus Legislation!

House Set to Ban OHV Access to 2 Million Acres of Public Lands
Once again ARRA needs your help to defeat omnibus legislation that includes the National Landscape Conservation System Act! The full Senate passed restrictive omnibus land legislation last month. Now, we need your help to defeat the measure in the House.

Please Take Action and send a letter to your Representative urging him or her to vote against omnibus legislation, S. 22, that includes 160 public lands measures including the National Landscape Conservation System (NLCS) Act. The bill would create more than two million acres of wilderness while authorizing dozens of studies for potential parks, protected rivers and historical landmarks in addition to statutorily establishing the NLCS.

It is more important than ever for you to urge your Representative to vote against NLCS legislation in light of an ongoing Department of Interior (DOI) investigation of the existing NLCS division of the Bureau of Land Management. DOI initiated the investigation after reviewing emails and other documents that show extensive coordination between top NLCS officials and lobbyists for environmental groups as federal law generally prohibits federal employees from using appropriated funds or their official positions to lobby Congress.


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