My appologies for the short notice, but I caught this from the latest issue of Resource:
"DCNR is accepting nominations through Tuesday, Nov. 12, for three new appointments to the Pennsylvania Recreational Trails Advisory Board (PARTAB).
The board consists of one member from each of the following nine recreational trail-user organizations: hiking; cross-country skiing; off-highway motorcycling; snowmobiling; horseback riding; all-terrain vehicle driving; bicycling; four-wheel driving and water trails. One member also represents physically challenged individuals. Nominations for the three new appointees are to be made from individuals representing four-wheel driving, horseback riding, and cross-country skiing.
Major board responsibilities include advising DCNR on the use of federal trails funding in Pennsylvania; reviewing and ranking trail project applications; and presenting an annual report to DCNR’s secretary on accomplishments of the preceding federal fiscal year, as well as recommended changes.
Nominations must be submitted to DCNR by November 12, 2010. Appointments will be made by the Secretary of the DCNR. Appointees will serve for three consecutive years."
As a club, we should nominate someone with experience to serve in this position.
Here are Wayne's comments on his tour of duty:
"I was on this board for like 3 years, 8 years ago. It's not a hard job, it's more discouraging then anything because there are never any four wheel drive projects. Of course that could change with Shamokin. You get to travel a little bit, stay in some nice hotels and they feed you well. And you get modestly paid through mileage, perdiem, etc. At least thats the way it used to be."
Send me an email or give me a call (directory) if you are interested. I suspect the nomination will look better if it comes from the club, rather than an individual.
- Dave