Go to
BookFinder.com , insert in
Author block Eric Zappe and you'll find a ton of listings for his book. The cheapest is from A1Books for $16.42 shipped to your house. And YES, it's worth 20X that much. You can use the front shaft, but as Hillbilly mentioned, you'll have to have it lengthened and balanced (and maybe still not be strong enough), so I'm not sure it's worth the few dollars saved. I have heard of stories from people who saved some money by NOT buying Tom Wood's
4xshaft.com products. They received a nice D/S that was not balanced correctly so it had a real bad vibration. He had to send it back.

I'm not saying you can't get, or make, a good rear D/S anywhere else, but T.W's. has a BIG reputation for HIGH quality products.
I don't know any 4X4 shops up in your area, Bloomsburg, but I'm sure someone on here does. My suggestion is to do your lift and see how bad, if at all, your driveline vibrations are. You might find you can live with them. If you're going to off road with lots of "flexing", then you might need to invest in a SYE to eliminate any binding of the front U-Joint. Otherwise, for a DD you should be fine.
Below are a few links to help you out on your Cherokee journey...
EricsXJ.com Eric Zappe's website. He has some great write ups!!! and he's a nice guy.
http://www.naxja.org/ Every XJ owner should be signed up here... (No matter how wild and crazy your idea is, it's already been done at least 10 times by other XJ owners, at least 5 of them have posted detailed accounts of how they did it and how it turned out, and even some of them come with pictures!!!)
http://www.quadratec.com/default_cherokee.php Great place to order from and they give us (PA Jeeps members) a discount on most products.
Good luck on your build and don't forget... there's always
LOTS OF OPINIONS (and even some good advice) here for ya.