gpotts200 ; 1 ) air down , be sure you have an air gauge that reads down to 10 lbs. ( there will be air available on sight for you to air up if
need be to get home )
2 ) if you have a normal three peddle Jeep , keep your left foot off the left peddle , let the Jeep walk through .
3 ) watch your spotter .
4 ) be sure 4 wheel is locked in , and works .
5 ) watch your spotter .
rick ; it was on saturday or sunday , when it rolled over the crowd came running over like chickens when you throw corn out to feed them.
when it was over it looked like a scrap metal truck dumped a small load off his truck right there where i laid .
gpotts200 ; if involved in a roll over (anywhere , even if your not the driver ) do not grab hold of the roll bar above your head !