Deadline for public input approaching! After July 20th, they won't listen for another 5 years!
If you can read this, then you have internet access and NO EXCUSE not to make a few comments to preserve your sport in your state. It only takes a few minutes of your time to give PA the message the 4x4 recreation is still alive and well. Please go to the website and tell them what you think and what you would like to see for the future. for your help!
- Dave
Make sure you make your opinion known to shape the future of our sport in PA on public land!
"Pennsylvania Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan public input period closing
A comment period available on this web site—set up to provide the public with a chance to weigh in on the Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP)—will close on July 20.
While a series of public meetings have already been held, those interested have still been able to provide feedback at the site; along with viewing Research and draft recommendations. Every five years, Pennsylvania produces a plan that provides citizens, policymakers, and recreation professionals with a snapshot of current trends and issues in outdoor recreation. SCORP helps set the agenda for state recreation policy, planning, funding, and implementation for the next five years and beyond. Public input to this process is critical—ensuring a broad representation of interests, views and ideas."
Those on the Sproul trip will attest there are decent opertunities to trail ride in the state forests. And there are many more behind locked gates. Everyone needs to let the state know that we want to keep what we have and get even more.
- Dave