Those are pretty good answers, but... your question could be likened to "what kind of Computer should I get?" Of course, that would depend on what kind of Software/Programs you plan on running, right? Do ya see what I mean? You first NEED to find out what kind of power tools you plan on running, i.e., what their AIR requirements are. THAT will dictate what size (out put) you need to get.
When you did your lift, at the Show, you used my compressor, didn't you? Well, mine is a Cambell Hausfeld
(MADE IN THE USA!! unlike (most) of the Chinese Craftsman brands,
YES, I have a Chinese floor jack from Sears), it's a 5 HP 13 Gal
"Oil Free" (which is important!) How did it work for you? It does "good" (NOT great) as a general maintainace compressor. It does run low on pressure on really hard to loosen bolts or using an air chisel. BUT... If I were to buy one again I'd get an "oiled" one instead of those
NOISY "Oil Free"... did I mention they are
LOUD!! You probably don't need that much HP, but I would recommend a larger tank. 20 should be large enough.
I was just looking at prices

OMG, I believe they went up a TAD. I believe I found mine (on sale) about 5 years ago for less then $300. As mentioned earlier, if I were to do it again, I'd get one with a 20-26 gal tank, HP ? not sure, maybe 3 or so. It would depend on the SCFM rating.
I don't know if you have already gotten tools, but an Air Ratchet is a MUST (best $$ I've ever spent), and DO NOT get an Impact Wrench with
anything less then 600 ft lbs of torque (reverse), in fact, you should try and get more. BUT These eat up tons of air.
This is just my experience and, as always, you mileage will vary...
