Is anyone aware that Quadratec only give the club members a discount on some things not all and that they also charge shipping even if you pick it up at there , I was going to order tires the price was $ 305. In the New 2012 catolog when I called the price was $ 311. Ok they said they would give me it for the catolog price , fine then he tells me that we don't get a discount on tires and the best part the shipping is $ 160. , Ok , I don't want them shipped I will pick them up I work down that way , he tells me I still have to pay shipping to have them shipped to them because they don't stock tires , I told him thats your operating cost not mine your selling them for $ 311. But I can't pay that there's a $ 40. Per tire shipping even for pick up so why do you advertise a BS price when you can't buy them for that , He don't know then I have to pay 6% sales tax brings the advertised tire of $ 305. To $ 372.06 each for pick up
I will Never buy from Quadratec
I bought them from National Tire & Wheel for $ 316. Each delivered to MY door for FREE no Tax