Author Topic: Bulldog Winches  (Read 17625 times)


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Bulldog Winches
« on: April 10, 2013, 11:02:53 pm »
bought this winch sometime ago. it is a Bulldog 9500lb unit. i had only used it a few times and seemed to work well enough. then it sat idle for a year when i went to use it, it did not work. so more time passes when i decide i am going to fix it. i opened up the solenoid box (which is built to be weather proof) to find it half full of water and everything rusted beyond recognition. i would definitely not recommend buying this winch as you will not get more than a few years out of it considering the poor construction of the controls. the only good thing with this winch company (unlike other economy winch builders) is that they sell replacement parts online. So i will be rebuilding the control box but i see that i will have to relocate it under the hood as to not have a repeat of this crap.
John Michael


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Re: Bulldog Winches
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2013, 08:55:49 am »
I do not know this winch co. but when you rebuild the solenoid box, if it is so called weather proof, it could be generating condensation in the box (hot then cold) and no way for evaporation. It will be wet or slowly fill with water.
Under the hood is good, and if the box has air vents (openings) on the high and low sides (a hole for drainage and a hole for moist air to rise) it will stay dry inside and useable. With the exception of this box being under water when winching.
The difference between WEATHER PROOF & WATER PROOF is a BIG difference in the construction.
74 jeep CJ5  ( PACKMULE )


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Re: Bulldog Winches
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2013, 12:18:36 am »
well that would be a possibility. either way it is a serious design flaw. but that being said he vendor was there when i needed them. their website has all the components needed to repair the electronics. i was able to get two new solenoids without any issues. wired them in and after repairing some corroded wires she works great. Now i just got to relocate it under the hood.
John Michael