– To protect and preserve our environment and our natural resources;
– To promote family entertainment in four-wheeling;
– To promote the sport of off-highway activities, such as camping, trail riding, racing, sharing knowledge and improving the image of four-wheeling;
– To form emergency assistance groups of four-wheel drive vehicles and drivers to assist selected police and emergency agencies as decided on by the Board of Directors or a specially appointed committee chairperson;
– To sponsor and support safe driving both on and off road.
We invite all Jeep owners to come see us at a club meeting, held every 2nd Sunday at 11am in the York Township Building. The address is 25 Oak Street, York PA. Drive past the police station to the last brick building across from the playground.
Wayne Fish, President
Bill Brenneman, Vice President
Joe Madzelan, Jeep Show Chairman
Cara Eisemann, Treasurer
Theresa Knight, Membership Director
Ben Eisemann, Secretary
Dave Kauffman, Newsletter Editor
Denice Brenneman, Events Director
Bill Knight, Land Use
Joe Madzelan, Safety Director
Dani Bailey
Ron Lind
Bill Heuerman
Keith Fry
Deb Miller
Debby Morrissey